Tuesday, March 3, 2009

US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton meets the project participants.

Jakarta, Indonesia- It was a bright thursday, seven journalist national media of Indonesia had an oppourtunity to meet with sec US, Hillary Rodham Clinton at house of embassy US in Menteng,Jakarta, Indonesia.
(Thursday 19 February 2009).

One of the seven journalists is from online media,names okezone.com.
At that time, I am already prepared for one question asking mrs Hillary.

At 11 am, one of the staff US embassy from inside house told us with his hint to come to inside because mrs clinton already waiting for our coming.

Got his hint,we run away to US embassy,,so excited,,even we must had a security check.

We are pleased by all the US embassy staf and I saw mr. Tristram Perry as a moderator for us.

10 minutes passed, mrs clinton come and greeting us, we shaking our hand.

She was adorable,smart,elegance and full of charisma.

One by one with had a chance asked question to her.

From our comunication, on my point from her is mrs clinton as a representative from president of US, Barack Obama wants to give a key message in reaching a people all of the world by communication people to people so democracy will going through helping poor people.

I am also asking, mrs clinton as a former first lady,lawyer and now as a secretary US already had everything,and my question is what do you feel if everything that you already had now is lost??,

The reaction I saw when I asking that question,she laughing ha ha ha

And she said, I'm just fortunately, all of my life just goes on, I follow all of the time just for helping poor people and I just love it so.

As a secretary US, she never imagine that but her view and obama has a relevance view and that's the reason why obama choose her as second US embassy.

Time is up and then we wrap the wonderful by taking a nice pictures with a great lady.

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